Did Professor Oglevee ACTUALLY say this to Nikki Parker, or did we make these lines up?

CBS Television Distribution
"Get away from me, you psycho."
Any fan of The Parkers knows Professor Oglevee's words always came from the heart when he said them to Nikki Parker. His hatred for Kim's mom stemmed from her belief that they were in a committed relationship, despite telling her many times he would rather go outside naked than be her man. (We know in the end, the hate turned into love. Nikki eventually got her man.)
YET, before that fairytale ending, Professor Oglevee insulted Nikki literally every chance he got. We want to know if you can guess if he actually said these things or if we made them up (because we clearly have time).
SIDENOTE: The Professor said the silliest things; honestly, whatever came to his mind!
Professor Oglevee: "Let go of me, you Cocoa Puff!"
Professor Oglevee: "LET ME...GO! YOU CRACKPOT."
Professor Oglevee: "You are nuts if you think I'd ever move in with the likes of you."
Professor Oglevee: "Don't touch me, you two-faced cat!"
Professor Oglevee: "Yeah, cross my heart and hope YOU die."
Professor Oglevee: "I wouldn't touch you even if my grandmother's life depended on it!"
Professor Oglevee: "Woman, if you ever grab me again, the police will send you back to your cage!"
Professor Oglevee: "How about you use your stalking abilities for good?"
Professor Oglevee: "LEAVE ME ALONE...LOON!"
Professor Oglevee: "Don't you have a probation officer you need to check in with, ex-con?"
Did Professor Oglevee ACTUALLY say this to Nikki Parker, or did we make these lines up?
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