Who said it: Tasha Mack or Nikki Parker?

CBS Television Distribution
They're two women who mean business and won't mind telling you off. Tasha Mack and Nikki Parker would've clashed a lot if they were on the same show, but who wouldn't want to see these two fierce women put everyone in their place?
Dabl viewers can watch them both on our channel, but we want to see if you can tell who said what. Good luck!
Who said: "The next time you put Outkast before Jesus I'm gonna cast you out of this house."
Who said: "Up in here, we gone have us some grown folks business. OK!"
Who said: "Well, you know what they say, 'There's always more room for alizay!"
Who said: "The last time I was on Craigslist, I ended up with a stalker."
Who said: "Valentine's Day is for suckas. Get that d*mn light off of me."
Who said: "How you get into my hotel room? You ain't back to breaking and entering are you?"
Who said: "[in response to someone saying their friend should join the choir] Yeah, put some of that hot air to good use."
Who said: "She don't speak English, so when you start speaking Spanish?"
Who said: "You don't have to worry; my lips are sealed. The CIA couldn't get it out of me."
Who said, "You're creating the perfect environment for mold. Mold breathes in dark places; before you know it, BOOM, I have allergies and asthma."
Who said it: Tasha Mack or Nikki Parker?
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