Living Single
EVERY NIGHT AT 8p/7c | 8a/7c

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Feb 14th 7:30a CT
Engagement, The, Pt. 2
The police bring a shivering Overton to the apartment. The horse subdued the mugger, but bucked Overton into the bushes. He still does not tell Synclaire about the ring. Overton later picks the mugger out of the lineup. Synclaire breaks down the door and tries to attack the man. Overton's...
Feb 14th 7:00p CT
Engagement, The Pt. 1
While buying a hot dog in the park, Synclaire meets Robert De Niro, who offers her the part of a waitress in his new movie. Overton tries to plan the perfect evening in the hopes of proposing to Synclaire, but virtually everything goes wrong. Synclaire cannot make their dinner because she has...
Feb 14th 7:30p CT
Engagement, The, Pt. 2
The police bring a shivering Overton to the apartment. The horse subdued the mugger, but bucked Overton into the bushes. He still does not tell Synclaire about the ring. Overton later picks the mugger out of the lineup. Synclaire breaks down the door and tries to attack the man. Overton's...
Episode Guide
Ep 1: Judging by the Cover
Regine begins dating a handsome, wealthy and intelligent man named Brad Hamilton. She constantly rubs her good fortune in her friends' faces. A woman comes to the Flavor office to purchase an ad for Brad's restaurant; Synclaire is stunned to learn that she is Brad's wife. When the girls break the news to Regine, she is enraged. However, she believes Brad's claim that he will leave his wife for her, and continues to see him. Regine is devastated when Brad fails to show for their date. When she...
Ep 2: I'll Take Your Man
After Regine breaks up with her latest beau, a handsome attorney named Charles, she grants Max permission to give him a call. However, she is furious when Max goes to church and Sunday brunch with Charles. She suspects that Max doesn't even care about Charles, and is only using him to hurt Regine. Regine persuades a reluctant Khadijah to ask Max to break up with Charles. Max refuses, as she enjoys Charles's company and doesn't feel that Regine should always get her own way. Max later drops by...
Ep 3: Who's Date Is It Anyway?
After learning that Synclaire hasn't had a date for six months, Regine and Max devote their energies to remedying this situation. Synclaire accepts a date from a handsome veterinarian named Michael, much to Overton's chagrin. Max and Regine give her a make-over and offer tips. Regine explains the "date laugh," in which the woman puts one hand on her date and the other on her cleavage when the man says anything amusing. They decide to follow Synclaire to the restaurant to make sure things go...
Ep 4: Kiss Before Lying, A
Max receives several phone messages from her ex-boyfriend Greg, who had unceremoniously dumped her a year earlier. Max ignores Khadijah's advice and agrees to have dinner with Greg and his fiancée. She arranges for the meal to be held at the girls' apartment. Regine suggests that Max bring a date, but Khadijah believes that Max should be happy with who she is. When Greg arrives with his beautiful fiancée, Susan, a desperate Max begs Kyle to pose as her boyfriend. He accepts the role all too...
Ep 5: In The Black Is Beautiful
The printer refuses to produce the latest issue of Flavor unless Khadijah can make a $2000 payment. Max offers her the money, but she flatly refuses. Regine tries to raise money by throwing a lingerie party (featuring male model Overton), but Khadijah tells everyone to mind their own business. After Synclaire tells her that the printer has threatened to see to it that Flavor is never published again, Khadijah accepts Max's check. She becomes so obsessed with paying off her debt that she...
Ep 6: Great Expectations
Khadijah is disgusted by the girls' pathetic social life, so she suggests that they go out to a club and meet some men. Regine announces that she can get them onto the guest list at Club Zina. She dons her finest wig and "one of a kind" red dress, and is disgusted to spot two other women wearing the same dress. She douses them with drinks, but later gets a taste of her own medicine. Kyle and Overton have to sneak in the back door because the doorman dislikes Kyle, and Kyle has no luck with...
Ep 7: Full Court Press
Khadijah, Regine and Synclaire are involved in a car accident with an old woman named Shirley Shortridge. Khadijah's jeep suffers $1500 in damage. Regine believes that they should sue, but Khadijah wants to settle and put the matter behind her. Khadijah and Max negotiate with Shirley and her sleazy lawyer, Jack Peabody. Khadijah ignores Max's advice and agrees to take an $800 settlement. Jack taunts Max, telling her she couldn't have beaten him in court. Max decides that the case should go to...
Ep 8: Living Single... with Children
Regine begins dating a single father named Patrick. She gets along wonderfully with his adorable daughter Camille, and agrees to spend the day with her while Patrick is away in New Jersey on business. When Patrick is delayed, Camille spends the night at the apartment. She suffers from a stomachache, and Regine runs herself ragged trying to care for the girl. Regine tells Patrick she is not ready to be a mother, but he urges her not to worry, as they are a long way from taking this step. Kyle...
Ep 9: Just Friends?
Khadijah's old friend Scooter comes to town, and the two begin spending a lot of time together. Although Khadijah insists that they are only friends, she ends up spending the night with him. When Scooter asks her to come out to his Los Angeles home for the weekend, Khadijah's friends offer conflicting advice. Max believes she should go for it, while Regine warns that she could destroy her friendship. Khadijah decides that she isn't ready to take such a big step, and asks for time to...
Ep 10: Quittin' Time
Synclaire is angry when she is passed over for a promotion. When Khadijah asks her to define the type of job she is seeking, Synclaire's friends help her to realize that she would like to become the office manager. Khadijah insists that Synclaire cannot handle such a responsibility. She adds that, given Synclaire's frequent blunders, she probably would have been fired if she weren't the boss's cousin. Synclaire quits in a huff, and lands a job at Turkey Hut. Synclaire's replacement at Flavor,...
Ep 11: Naked Truth, The
During a game of "Truth or Challenge," Kyle mocks the women for their tendency to snipe at each other. Regine points out that he talks about Overton behind his back, and Max reveals that Kyle was annoyed when Overton tagged along on his date. This leads to a blowout fight, and Overton decides to move out. Synclaire asks him to stay at the girls' apartment, much to Regine's chagrin. When Overton goes into the bathroom to shave, he accidentally sees Khadijah naked. He apologizes constantly, and...
Ep 12: Crappy Birthday
The girls force Khadijah to take a road trip to Atlantic City for her birthday, although she would much rather stay home. Max's driving leaves Khadijah nauseous, so she decides to stay in the room while the others check out the casino. She gives Synclaire twenty dollars to gamble for her. Max snatches the money away and wins 700 dollars. When Khadijah comes downstairs, Max fears that she will want to take her money back. She and Regine ask Synclaire to distract Khadijah. After a chance...
Ep 13: Love Takes A Holiday
Stacey, the Flavor photographer, is unable to supply any cheerful photos for the holiday issue because she is depressed and angry over a break-up with her boyfriend. Khadijah tries to cheer her up by inviting her to hang out with the girls. When she meets Kyle, they immediately take a liking to each other. Kyle falls head over heels, but Stacey is not interested in another serious relationship. Khadijah and Synclaire ask her to break up with him before he gets hurt. Stacey is unable to go...
Ep 14: Burglar In The House
After Regine has her purse snatched on the subway, the girls ask Overton to install better locks in their apartment. A nervous Synclaire and Regine insist on sleeping in Khadijah's room. They are stirred by a noise from downstairs, and discover a prowler in the kitchen. Khadijah startles him and drives him from the apartment; but after the girls run up to the guys' apartment, the burglar returns and cleans them out. Frustrated by the police's inability to get any leads on the case, they have...
Ep 15: Living Kringle
Synclaire is distraught because none of her friends seem to be in the holiday spirit. She manages to convince everyone to come together for a tree-trimming party, but the gathering breaks up quickly when Max gets a hot date, and the others are bogged down by work commitments. As her friends discover the thoughtful gifts Synclaire has left for them, they return to the apartment to thank her, only to discover that she is gone. However, she has left a detailed map leading them to her location....
Ep 16: Fatal Distraction
Khadijah hires a handsome and charming man named Xavier St. John as her new writer, without bothering to read his articles or check his references. Xavier constantly compliments Khadijah and seeks her attention, so her friends suggest that he is attracted to her. When Khadijah and Xavier share a cab, he seems to be coming on to her. Khadijah leans in to kiss him, but he pulls away and says that he is not interested. When Xavier turns in his first article, Khadijah is stunned to discover that...
Ep 17: Hand That Robs The Cradle, The
While the girls are at the cafe, an attractive young man named Brendan approaches Max. He is an NYU freshman who met her at the job fair, and asks for the opportunity to discuss points of the law. Khadijah insists that Brendan is hitting on Max. Max later admits that Brendan asked her out. After her friends make many, many jokes, Max claims that she turned Brendan down. A few days later, the girls catch Max at the cafe with him. Khadijah is angry with Max for lying, but Max points out that...
Ep 18: Love Thy Neighbor, Pt. 1
Kyle convinces Overton to double date with his old girlfriend and her cousin, Summer. Overton and Summer hit it off at dinner, but he feels as though he is cheating on Synclaire. Kyle reminds him that Synclaire has never shown any romantic interest in him, and encourages him to ask Summer out. When the girls run into Overton and Summer, Synclaire becomes very sad. After she makes many catty remarks about Summer and her hat, her friends suggest that she is jealous, and encourage her to make a...
Ep 19: Mystery Date, Pt. 2
Overton and Synclaire's relationship gets off to a rocky start, thanks to bad advice from their friends. Regine tells Synclaire that her aggressive behavior (kissing Overton) will drive him away, while Kyle convinces Overton to show up late for their date to the flea market to avoid seeming needy. Both believe they have been stood up, and sulk for days. Khadijah, Max and Regine continue to throw themselves at Hamilton, especially after learning that he is a medical student. Regine cooks him a...
Ep 20: Hot Fun In the Wintertime
Synclaire wins a trip for two to the Bahamas from a radio trivia contest, but cannot decide who should accompany her. Khadijah and Overton irritate her so much with their petty bickering and attempts to manipulate her that it nearly drives her crazy. Regine advises her to stand up for herself and not let the duo's behavior affect her. Synclaire becomes so fed up that she tells Overton and Khadijah that she is taking Regine on the trip. At her beach-themed party (selected because the heat was...
Ep 21: Friends Like These
Khadijah's college friend Jackie comes to town for an audition. She stays at the girls' apartment, and convinces Khadijah to give her a job at Flavor. Max is extremely jealous, and warns that Jackie is an opportunist who will hit Khadijah up for a loan. In college, Jackie convinced Max and Khadijah to start a sandwich business, only to drop it after two weeks. Khadijah is furious at Max for interfering in her affairs. A few days later, Jackie asks Khadijah to loan her money for a tattoo...
Ep 22: Who's The Boss
When Khadijah is stricken by the flu, she reluctantly allows Synclaire to take charge of the office. However, she enlists Regine (who is on a paid vacation while the boutique undergoes remodeling) to go into the office to keep an eye on Synclaire. Russell, the music editor, is furious when his column is cut (although it was Khadijah's decision). He quits, and announces that he will not return as long as Synclaire is running the magazine. While the office is in chaos, an important prospective...
Ep 23: Unity or Five Card Stud
Kyle hosts his company's junior executive poker game; and hopes to impress the junior vice president, Lawrence, who is on the verge of giving him a promotion. The ladies decide to crash the game after the pizzas are mistakenly delivered to their house, but Kyle's co-workers refuse to let them into the game. Lawrence takes a liking to Regine, and they set up a dinner date. Although he is a perfect gentleman on the date, Lawrence brags about his supposed exploits to his co-workers the following...
Ep 24: Love Is A Many Splintered Thing
Khadijah interviews fourth-grade teacher Alonzo Ford for an article honoring his selection as Teacher of the Year. They hit it off, and Alonzo quickly asks her out on a date. They spend nearly every free moment together for three weeks. After Max, Regine and Synclaire complain that Khadijah is neglecting them, she invites them to have dinner with Alonzo and her, but the couple doesn't show up. They re-schedule, but Alonzo and Khadijah ignore the girls and spend the entire evening babbling and...
Ep 25: Tale Of Two Tattles, A
Khadijah, Max and Synclaire are furious when Regine's new boyfriend, Tony, uses embarrassing stories about them in his stand-up act. Although they are angry at Regine for blabbing their secrets, they realize they have all been guilty of this at some point. They vow to no longer engage in gossip. Kyle asks Overton to program his two girlfriends' numbers into his new cellular phone. Overton makes the girls aware of each other's existence when he accidentally calls one when he believed he was...
Ep 26: She Ain't Heavy, She's My Mother
Khadijah is thrilled when her mother, Rita, comes to visit for Mother's Day; but Regine is distressed that her mother, Laverne, has tagged along. Laverne quickly gets on her daughter's nerves by pestering her to "get married and get some beans in that oven." During an afternoon at a spa, Regine and Laverne get into a nasty argument after Regine learns that her mother sought Kyle's advice on why she can't land a man. Khadijah and Rita also square off when Khadijah suggests that Laverne should...
Ep 27: What Next, Pt. 1
Alonzo asks Khadijah to move in with him, but she asks for some time to consider this major life decision. Alonzo refuses to relent, constantly sending her flowers and other gifts at the office. When another shipment of flowers comes in, Khadijah is shocked when the "deliveryman" turns out to be Scooter, who had been calling her almost daily for several weeks. He announces that he is in town for a job interview, and hopes to pick up where he left off with Khadijah. Khadijah is faced with a...
Ep 1: There's Got To Be A Morning After, Pt. 2
Kyle and Max must deal with the consequences of their drunken night together. Kyle manages to sneak Max out of the apartment without detection; but everyone becomes suspicious when they show up at the group's rooftop gathering singing the same song, and seem hesitant to insult one another. After Kyle returns to his apartment with Overton, he and Max each confess what has happened. Overton suggests that Kyle find out if what he and Max share is love or hate. Kyle asks Max to dinner, and she...
Ep 2: I Love This Game
Denise Hatcher, Khadijah's high school basketball rival, comes to the Flavor office to complain about a sportswriter's comments about her coaching ability. They begin to argue about an incident in an all-star game in which they were teammates. Denise is still bitter because Khadijah was named MVP after scoring the winning basket by supposedly stepping on Denise's foot and stealing a pass intended for her. Denise challenges Khadijah to a game of one-on-one, with the MVP trophy going to the...
Ep 3: They've Gotta Have It
Regine grows weary of her tendency to date vain, tiresome men. She feels as though she is just going through the motions. Synclaire gives her a brochure about a seminar intended to help women break their dependence on men. When Regine attends her first session, she is shocked to find that Max is taking the class. The instructor assigns the students to take themselves on a date, but Regine and Max are so bored alone that they decide to go out together. Max explains that she took the seminar...
Ep 4: Working 9 To 9:15
Max drives the girls crazy by spending all her time at their apartment (even having her calls forwarded). They rejoice when Evans and Bell call her back to work. However, Max is frustrated by the loss of her clients and office and the realization that the partners will never stop punishing her for her mistake. She quits during her first day. Khadijah insists that she has acted rashly, and advises her to ask for her job back. Max refuses, insisting that a better offer will come along. After a...
Ep 5: Bristle While You Work
Regine convinces her boss, Mary, to consider having her boutique advertise in Flavor. Regine annoys Khadijah by crashing the pitch meeting. Mary agrees to purchase the ad if she finds the campaign acceptable, but suggests that the duo work on it together. Regine and Khadijah argue constantly, and decide to pitch individual ideas. When Mary expresses her disgust at the suggestions, Khadijah apologizes and promises that she and Regine will work together. Regine complains that Khadijah doesn't...
Ep 6: School Daze
In the hopes of spending more time with Synclaire, Overton enrolls in the art appreciation class she is taking at the night school. When the teacher marvels over one of Overton's first observations, he begins to hog the spotlight, leaving prize pupil Synclaire feeling crowded and unappreciated. She asks Overton to drop the class, but he refuses, as he feels he has uncovered a new talent. After Synclaire skips the class, Overton is overcome with guilt. Synclaire explains that she needs a place...
Ep 7: Am I My Sister's Keeper?
Overton's younger sister, Olivia, comes for a visit, and Overton is extremely protective of her. When Overton can't make their planned trip to the botanical gardens, Olivia suggests that she could go to a movie with Kyle (with whom she had been flirting). Overton catches them kissing in the hallway and throws a bucket of water on Kyle, ruining his suit. Meanwhile, Regine decides to become a vegetarian, and forces her beliefs on her roommates by throwing out all the meat. Khadijah plots to...
Ep 8: Trick Or Trust
When Khadijah drops by Scooter's house on an errand before the Halogen Records Halloween party, Regine discovers a fax from a woman telling Scooter how much she had enjoyed the previous night. Khadijah finds a bottle of perfume under the sink, and grows increasingly suspicious. Khadijah, Regine and Scooter are embarrassed when they are the only ones in costume at the party because everyone else donated their costume money to charity. Khadijah gets upset when several women are surprised to...
Ep 9: Abstinence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Max and Regine are surprised to learn that Synclaire has yet to sleep with Overton, even though they took the vacation to the Bahamas together. They encourage her to take the next step, but Synclaire is uncertain. She and Overton finally agree to have a romantic evening at his apartment the following night, as Kyle is out of town. After they experience a series of mishaps (including Overton's allergy to Synclaire's perfume), Synclaire admits that she is paralyzed with fear. She tells him that...
Ep 10: Double Indignity
Max takes a job as a telemarketer, unaware that her sleazy boss is a scam artist who sells subliminal tapes that do not contain subliminal messages. She is arrested while talking on the phone with Khadijah. Meanwhile, Overton sets up surveillance and begins recording all the girls' phone calls in the hopes of catching a prank caller. When the public defender assigned to represent Max proves to be woefully incompetent, she decides to represent herself. She points out that the boss was the only...
Ep 11: My Cups Runneth Over
Regine's doctor recommends that she undergo breast reduction surgery to alleviate her chronic back problems. After the surgery, Regine loses her self-esteem and begins throwing herself at men. Kyle assures her that she doesn't look any different, and states that her confidence and personality are what make her attractive to men. Kevon and the other neighborhood children blame Overton when a greedy ice cream man (who had been operating in the middle of winter) suffers a heart attack while...
Ep 12: Thanks For Giving
Everyone is surprised by Regine's companion at Thanksgiving dinner--a charming, overweight parcel delivery guy named Darryl who does not meet any of image-conscious Regine's usual date criteria. When Scooter calls Khadijah and tells her that he wants to ask her something at the dinner, she and her friends believe that he is going to propose. She is shocked when he instead tells her that he has been offered a chance to manage a female R&B group and accompany it on a world tour. Scooter becomes...
Ep 13: Hair Razing Experience, A
Kyle suggests that his firm take advantage of the untapped financial potential of Africa by creating a mutual fund, and volunteers to handle the project personally. Lawrence informs Kyle that the firm is concerned about using Kyle as a representative, as his appearance--specifically his hair--isn't "corporate" enough. Kyle does not want his career to be curtailed over such a trivial matter, so he considers getting a haircut. However, he then suffers a nightmare in which he turns into a jester...
Ep 14: There's No Ship Like Kinship
Khadijah's long-time friend Sheri accepts a job as a columnist at Flavor. She quickly makes friends with Synclaire, and the two go out to lunch every day and constantly joke around at the office. An annoyed Khadijah claims that their antics are disrupting the office, but she is actually very jealous. After she loses her temper and stomps off to her room during a game of Clue at the apartment, Synclaire confronts her. Khadijah apologizes and admits that she has been feeling left out. Sheri...
Ep 15: Singing The Blues
After observing the depressing lack of talent at the cafe's open mike night, the group persuades Kyle to sing the following week. Overton agrees to perform his stand-up comedy act in exchange for Kyle's participation. Kyle starts out well as he performs "When I Fall in Love," but begins stuttering when Max enters in a low-cut gown and sits directly in front of him. He runs out of the cafe, thus ensuring Overton's victory. Max teases him mercilessly about his failure, while Overton believes...
Ep 16: Playball
Khadijah hires Bobby Bonilla of the New York Mets to pen a weekly column for Flavor, just as her employees are poised to walk out over low salaries and poor working conditions. Bobby defends Khadijah, until he interprets her request for a hold on salaries as a salary cap (a major sticking point in the baseball labor dispute) and supports the strike. Khadijah insists that money is too tight to give raises, but Max warns her that she is on the verge of losing Flavor. Khadijah re-arranges her...
Ep 17: Stormy Weather
Overton and Regine get caught in a blizzard after he picks her up at the boutique. Max fears that she may be pregnant with "stand-by" boyfriend Michael's child. A concerned Kyle races to the store for a test, partially to get away from an ill-advised one-night stand--an annoying efficiency expert. Everyone is relieved when it turns out to be a false alarm. Regine receives word of the possible pregnancy when she calls the apartment, but cannot get the full scoop before the cellular batteries...
Ep 18: Last Temptation, The
A handsome young man from Synclaire's psychology class kisses her during a study session. Synclaire pushes him away, but is still gripped by guilt. She blurts out her indiscretion during a special evening Overton had planned for their first anniversary as a couple. Overton goes ballistic, storms out of the restaurant, and refuses to talk to her. Concerned for her cousin's well being, Khadijah sends Kyle up to the apartment to check on her. He finds Overton and Synclaire's clothes strewn...
Ep 19: Legal Briefs
When Max's former flame Preston August becomes her new boss, they try to mix business and romance, but find that it is hopeless. They fail to get any work done, and each is insanely jealous when the other confers with co-workers of the opposite sex. They realize they must break up. Kyle is furious when a typo in his Flavor bio states that he is married, until he finds that being unavailable makes him more attractive. Tag: Kyle tries out his married persona in bar.
Ep 20: If the Crew Fits
Regine suffers through a disastrous dinner with Darryl's closest friends, and realizes that she and Darryl don't have very much in common after he shares his dream of one day taking his wife on a cross-country fishing trip via RV. A panicked Regine heads to the bowling alley to seek advice from her friends; but Khadijah is flirting, while everyone else is caught up in Overton's pursuit of a 300 game. Regine's desperate cry for attention proves to be Overton's undoing. Regine and Darryl decide...
Ep 21: Space Invader
Kyle grows weary of Synclaire's constant presence in his apartment, particularly after she ruins his iron by using it to make grilled cheese sandwiches, and scares away his date. He and Overton are at each other's throats, but have to talk things out when they get buried beneath Overton's new water bed (a suggestion of Synclaire's) while trying to prevent a flood. Khadijah and Max undertake a reconnaissance mission when a risqué video of Max dancing with a stripper at a bachelorette party...
Ep 22: Another Saturday Night
Kyle is thrilled when he is asked to serve as escort to a beautiful princess who is doing business with his company, but finds that security precautions cramp his style. Overton enlists the help of Khadijah and "secret weapon" Synclaire to gain revenge on a pair of pool hustlers. Regine exposes Max's jealousy concerning Kyle and the princess by claiming that the two are pictured in the society pages. She cackles when Max tears through the paper. Max announces that she will ease Regine's...
Ep 23: Who's Scooping Who?
Khadijah vies with Marcus Hughes, a pompous reporter from the Village Voice, to break a story about a promoter who fixes fights. Khadijah appears to have the upper hand when she coaxes one of the fighters into granting an interview and providing details of the scandal. Marcus tricks the maid into letting him into Khadijah's hotel room, where he hides in the bathroom and records her interview. However, Khadijah has one more trick up her sleeve: she arranges for Flavor to hit the newsstands a...
Ep 24: Raw Talent
Synclaire is offered a role in a play about a group of strangers waiting for an ATM. The quirky director decides that the perfect ending for the play would be for Synclaire to scamper across the stage in the nude. Synclaire is unsure about showing her "ta-ta's" on stage, but Overton tells her that the decision is hers alone. Synclaire is prepared to back out of the play, but changes her mind when she sees a poster that refers to her as the star. Max refuses to believe that Khadijah is friends...
Ep 25: Grandmother's House We Go, To
Khadijah and Regine send their mothers to the Bahamas as a Mother's Day gift, and Khadijah's grandmother comes to stay with her. Rita expresses concern about the fact that Nana has been wandering off, and fears that her age is showing. Nana vanishes, and Khadijah is stunned to find that she has returned to New Jersey for a rendezvous with her boyfriend, the town baker. With Khadijah as a buffer, Nana finally has a talk with Rita about her need for a personal life. After Laverne reminds her...
Ep 26: Talk Showdown, Pt. 1
Thanks to Synclaire's letter, the talk show Delia invites the roommates to appear in a segment entitled, "Roommates From Heaven, Roommates From Hell." While the "roommates from hell" end up sobbing and hugging one another, the girls are in danger of being bumped because they are too happy, and thus, not interesting. Regine tries to liven things up by speaking of her roommates' faults and portraying herself as the glue that holds everything together. A furious Khadijah blurts out that she only...
Ep 27: Shakeup, The, Pt. 2
Regine begins the process of moving out of the apartment. Khadijah and Synclaire interview a prospective new roommate, an obnoxious woman who smokes and has creditors on her tail. In spite of this, Khadijah is willing to give her a try--until she insults Regine. Unable to cope with the tension, Synclaire begins to display as many traits of a nicotine addict as are possible without actually smoking or chewing tobacco. She pleads with Khadijah to apologize to Regine and ask her to stay. Just as...
Ep 1: Come Back Little Diva
Regine shows up at the laundromat, despite the fact that it is nowhere near her new apartment. She and Khadijah are less than civil, and Regine won't admit that her new place is a dump in a bad neighborhood. She invites everyone except Khadijah to a housewarming party, but Max declares that she and Kyle will boycott the affair. An annoyed Kyle goes without her. Max convinces Khadijah to crash the party. Kyle calls Max to task for her constant struggle for control within their relationship,...
Ep 2: Ex-File, The
Overton is mortified when he sees Melody, the woman who once shattered him by rejecting his marriage proposal, at the hardware store. He sneaks out, but she later gets his number from his friend Pug and gives him a call. Although Synclaire feels that it is a terrible idea, Overton agrees to meet Melody at Cheezy Burger. After Kyle inadvertently tells her about the proposal, a furious Synclaire tries to retaliate by driving to Bayonne to meet up with a man who sends her a Christmas card each...
Ep 3: On the Rebound
NBA star Grant Hill comes to town for a Basketball/Piano Camp, and agrees to an interview for Flavor. While playing a game of one-on-one against Khadijah, he injures his knee in a mid-air collision. Khadijah feels guilty, but the injury is not serious. Grant comes over to the apartment, and he and Khadijah end up kissing (much to Regine's horror). Although Grant sweeps Khadijah off her feet and is interested in a relationship, Khadijah feels that the distance between them and their busy...
Ep 4: Grumpy Old Man
Kyle grows increasingly surly as his 30th birthday approaches. Max, at her friends' urging, throws him a surprise party. He does not wish to participate, but is coaxed into a game of Barnyard Twister. Kyle throws his back out and leaves, humiliated. Max finds him sulking at the laundromat and asks him what is wrong. He explains that he has failed to meet many of his professional goals. Whereas he had always been a wunderkind, he now feels that he is going nowhere. Max tells him that there are...
Ep 5: Rags To Riches
Regine is thrilled when a famous designer purchases the boutique, until she learns that he has decided to target the mainstream market and convert it into a discount store called Le Rag Bin. Although her mother can't get enough of the merchandise, Regine is on the verge of quitting when she assembles a particularly gaudy outfit for one customer. The woman is actually a wardrobe consultant for the hit soap opera Palo Alto. She is impressed with Regine's ability to perceive what is tacky, and...
Ep 6: James Bond, The
Khadijah and Synclaire learn that a $500 savings bond they opened as teenagers has matured, and is now worth $2700. Khadijah is anxious to use all the money to purchase a new computer for Flavor, and doesn't realize that Synclaire wants to use her half to attend a Harvey Keitel acting seminar. Synclaire spends her money without consulting Khadijah, who is unaware of her actions until the new computer is repossessed. Khadijah spends her share on a raise for Russell, and is furious at her...
Ep 7: Handyman Can, The
Overton is devastated when a bookshelf he built falls apart and kills an ill-tempered cat that Synclaire was watching for an acquaintance. Overton tries to make amends by building the cat a beautiful coffin, but this also falls apart. He decides that he has lost his skill as a handyman, and takes a job as a bartender. Synclaire and Kyle cannot change his mind, but he eventually learns that the accidents were the result of faulty glue that has since been recalled. Meanwhile, Max is devastated...
Ep 8: He Works Hard for the Money
Kyle fears that his firm's new client, esteemed actress Jacqueline Richards, is coming on to him. He makes a fool of himself trying to reject her advances. She assures him that she only wants to be friends, but Kyle feels as though he is her lackey when she buys him gifts and takes him to expensive restaurants in exchange for errands. He draws the line at cleaning up after her poodles. Kyle agrees to be her friend, but tries to help her realize that true friendships are not based on monetary...
Ep 9: Baby I'm Back...Again
Scooter returns to New York, but receives a chilly reception from Khadijah, who is furious at him for failing to call her for months. They are arguing on the roof when Scooter suddenly flashes a ring and proposes. Khadijah accepts immediately. Both quickly begin to experience doubts about the upcoming nuptials. While at the jewelry store to size the ring, they realize that they only got engaged because they were afraid of losing one another. They were not ready for marriage before Scooter's...
Ep 10: Mr. Big Shot
Overton wins a contest from McColgan's shaving cream and receives a chance to take a 3-point shot for $10,000 at halftime of a Knicks game. Synclaire seems to be a jinx, as he misses every shot when she steps into the gym, and regains his form the second she leaves. Even slipping a photo of her into his gym bag is enough to bring on the curse. Synclaire refuses to go to the Knick game because she doesn't want to ruin Overton's chance at the money. Overton makes the shot, then calls Synclaire...
Ep 11: Mommy, Not Dearest
Max's mother, Nina, comes to town to accept an award. Max is confused when her mother insists on staying at her apartment and trying to bond with her, as they never had a particularly close relationship. When her mother decides to reveal that she once had an affair, Max can take no more. She explains that she has always been grateful to her mother for giving her the space she needed to become her own person; things cannot change completely overnight. Nina shows up at the courtroom to console...
Ep 12: Following is a Sponsored Program, The
A discouraged Synclaire is unsure about auditioning for an infomercial for a dashboard grill, but Max encourages her to follow her acting aspirations. Regine volunteers Max to drive Synclaire to the audition in order to keep her from hanging around the apartment on her day off. Max confronts the director when he dismisses Synclaire without allowing her to say her lines. He is so impressed by Max's spunk that he gives her the part. Synclaire accuses Max of robbing her of her dream, and begins...
Ep 13: Let It Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow...Dammit
Overton invites everyone to spend Christmas at the Canadian cabin his family frequented during his childhood. He is disgusted to find that the area is now a tourist attraction, complete with an amusement park. He has several run-ins with an overzealous Mountie (who cites him for fishing without a license and trying to chop down a protected tree), and Synclaire accidentally turns his Santa suit pink in the wash. Khadijah challenges Kyle and Max to be civil to one another throughout the trip,...
Ep 14: I'm Ready For My Close-Up
After Regine brags about her influence on Palo Alto, Synclaire drops by the set unexpectedly in the hopes that Regine can help her land a part. Regine is humiliated when none of the actors are aware of her existence, and the director refers to her as "the odor-eater girl." Regine apologizes for lying; but explains that, although her work is not glamorous, she thoroughly enjoys it. Synclaire agrees to keep her true status a secret. When one of the extras gets fired, Regine slips Synclaire into...
Ep 15: Scoop Dreams
Ivan is injured while riding his bike across the ice at Rockefeller Center to make a rush delivery for Flavor, and loses his job. Synclaire encourages Khadijah to give him a job, but she is frightened by his devotion to her. After learning that Ivan is a top journalism student, she hires him as a copy aide. Khadijah grows tired of Ivan's ridiculous story ideas, so she sends him to a celebrity hairdressing convention. He returns with a tape recording that suggests that Rev. Jesse Jackson has...
Ep 16: Likes Father, Likes Son
While at the TV station to visit her boyfriend, simple-minded weatherman Cole Front, Regine makes a date with a handsome older man named Warner Devant. When she later learns that Warner is Cole's father, she continues to see both men (she considers it a challenge); but has difficulty keeping track of their birthdays and likes and dislikes. The men eventually figure out what is going on, and show up at her door to confront her. Regine apologizes for the deception, and Cole orders her to choose...
Ep 17: Wake Up to theBreak Up
A cable repairwoman flirts with Kyle and asks him to visit a museum. Max pushes him to go out with her, claiming that they are not in an exclusive relationship. Although the woman turns out to be an airhead, Kyle stresses that he is tired of being involved with a woman who refuses to respect him or show him any affection. He breaks up with Max. Regine takes her friends to a Brian McKnight concert after getting free tickets from a co-worker. Kyle and Max get thrown out after they get into a...
Ep 18: Tibby Or Not Tibby
Overton receives an unexpected visit from his beloved Uncle Tibby. He is not impressed with Synclaire, as he believes she is trying to "get her hooks" into Overton. He urges Overton to dump her immediately. Synclaire overhears this, and is deeply hurt. Overton assures her that he is not swayed by his uncle's opinion, and offers to prepare a special dinner to get Tibby to warm up to Synclaire. When Tibby continues to criticize her, Overton orders him to leave. He explains that he cannot go...
Ep 19: Shrink To Fit
Khadijah takes a second job as a night security guard at an old-folks home to pay for improvements in Flavor, which faces stiff competition from a copycat magazine called Savor. These worries are compounded when she learns that Scooter is dating another woman. Khadijah develops insomnia, and behaves extremely erratically. She follows her mother's advice and begins seeing a psychiatrist, Dr. Bryce. She shows up at the office in a wig because she fears that her friends would treat her like a...
Ep 20: Dear John
Max and Khadijah grow weary of Regine's spineless boyfriend, John, so they joke about sending him a letter from Regine asking him to set her free. Max follows through with the plan, and Regine is devastated when John breaks up with her. Max and Khadijah go to John's house to explain the joke and ask him to take Regine back. They also suggest that he stand up for himself occasionally, rather than letting Regine walk all over him. Before John can come to the apartment to make up with Regine,...
Ep 21: Raze In Harlem, A
Kyle is devastated to learn that an historic jazz club, the Showboat, is to be demolished. All his friends chip in with his campaign to save the club. Kyle fantasizes about the club's heyday, with all of the characters assuming other roles. Kyle is a busboy with a dream of singing on stage; Max is Big Max, the sexist club owner who constantly comes on to him; Khadijah is Kay, the club's singer; Regine is Zelda Fitzsimmons, a diva who seems to be missing a few marbles; Synclaire is Claire, a...
Ep 22: Woman To Woman
Max's college roommate, Shayla, comes to town for her wedding. Max is stunned to learn that Shayla's intended, Chris, is a woman. She is hurt that Shayla failed to disclose the fact that she is gay, particularly when she discovers that Khadijah had known the truth since college. Max behaves rudely at the bridal shower, prompting Shayla to confront her in the kitchen. When Max demands to know why she was shut out, Shayla confesses that she was in love with Max. Max announces that she will not...
Ep 23: Glass Ceiling
Kyle receives a promotion, but becomes extremely disenchanted after realizing that he is no longer allowed any contact with clients; the entire job consists of attending meeting after meeting. When Kyle is asked to speak before a church youth group, a young man who has followed his career closely suggests that he use his creativity to make his job more interesting. Kyle proposes an intermediary position, in which he would be involved in middle management, yet still work with clients. He must...
Ep 24: Kiss Of The Spiderman
Max defends Jackson Turner, an environmentalist accused of murdering a CEO. He insists he was on a plane at the time the crime was committed, and Max locates a stewardess who remembers his snoring. Max and Jackson begin falling for each other. After he is cleared, they go to his cabin for the weekend. Max learns that the CEO died from the venom of a rare poisonous spider; Jackson could have killed him without being present. She jumps out the window, but later returns with Overton to confront...
Ep 25: Whatever Happened to Baby Sister
Khadijah's estranged father asks her to keep an eye on her spoiled half-sister, Stephanie, while she is in town for a track meet. Khadijah asks Ivan to take her out and keep her out of trouble, but she slips away at a party and gets really drunk. She has a terrible hangover the morning of the finals. Khadijah forces her to get in the blocks, but she has to quit the race to go throw up. Khadijah can't understand why Stephanie would throw her opportunity away, but Stephanie explains that she is...
Ep 26: Compromising Positions
Laverne is very impressed with Keith at their first meeting, but things take a turn for the worse when Ms. Hunter catches Keith and Regine in a romantic interlude on the roof a few days later. (Max, who observed the entire encounter from her apartment, documents it for the neighborhood newsletter.) Regine cannot get her mother to speak to her, so she comes down to her favorite bingo parlor with Khadijah to confront her. Laverne explains that Regine's behavior reminds her of the time that...
Ep 1: Engagement, The Pt. 1
While buying a hot dog in the park, Synclaire meets Robert De Niro, who offers her the part of a waitress in his new movie. Overton tries to plan the perfect evening in the hopes of proposing to Synclaire, but virtually everything goes wrong. Synclaire cannot make their dinner because she has been called to the set. She eventually shows up, but they have to flee when the houseboat restaurant has plumbing problems. Their hansom cab breaks down in Central Park, and Overton gets mugged. Despite...
Ep 2: Engagement, The, Pt. 2
The police bring a shivering Overton to the apartment. The horse subdued the mugger, but bucked Overton into the bushes. He still does not tell Synclaire about the ring. Overton later picks the mugger out of the lineup. Synclaire breaks down the door and tries to attack the man. Overton's belongings are returned to him and (after an interruption from Khadijah) he proposes to Synclaire at the police station. She immediately accepts. As she has no chance of winning in court, Khadijah agrees to...
Ep 3: Ride The Maverick
Khadijah re-considers Flavor's endorsement of Max when she insists on spouting clichés, rather than discussing the issues. She instead backs a little-known high school teacher named William Perez. Max claims that Khadijah is jealous and does not want her friends to outshine her. Max runs into Perez at a public park (where he is cleaning up graffiti with his civics class), and realizes that her reasons for seeking office are entirely selfish. She withdraws from the election, and tells everyone...
Ep 4: Not Quite Mr. Right
Regine is outraged when Keith ignores her at his opening (aside from asking her to change a light bulb in the bathroom). He refuses to defend her when an art critic comes on to her. Russell tells the man to take a hike. After her friends point out that Keith has always seemed aloof, Regine goes to his loft to confront him. She threatens to break up with him unless he begins to take their relationship seriously, but Keith says that he cannot change. Regine comes by the Flavor offices to meet...
Ep 5: Not-So-Silent Partner, The
Khadijah is approached by Jeremy Mills, a corporate liaison whose employer, Majestic Publishing, would like to purchase a share of Flavor. Khadijah turns him down, noting that they are only interested because their copycat magazine failed. After the employees express the need for a medical plan and an issue is scuttled by a flood at the print shop, Khadijah finally decides to "sell her soul" by allowing Majestic to buy a 25 percent share. Khadijah does not take kindly to Jeremy's efforts to...
Ep 6: Moi, The Jury
Regine is the only juror holding up the potential acquittal of Sara McQueen, a beloved elderly movie star accused of arson. When her friends talk about the case and joke about the juror being an idiot, Regine cannot help but defend herself. Max (as an officer of the court) forces her to tell the judge that she discussed the case, and he throws Regine off the jury and finds her in contempt of court. She is sentenced to 50 hours of community service at a monastery, but gets booted for hitting...
Ep 7: Multiple Choice
Overton and Synclaire must take a compatibility test before they can be married at their church. Synclaire constantly nags Overton about studying, while he feels they have nothing to worry about. They get into an argument just before taking the test, and purposely fail by writing the most inflammatory responses possible. Rev. Taylor finally agrees to let them re-take the test, but only after his wife threatens to make him sleep in the bathtub. Max tries to prove that she can have any man she...
Ep 8: I've Got You Under My Skin
On her way out of the hospital following hemorrhoid surgery, Khadijah makes a date with a doctor named Charles. When she learns that he was her anesthesiologist, she becomes embarrassed and is unable to show any physical affection toward him. After he makes a fool of himself in the batting cage at the hospital's charity carnival, Khadijah's mind is eased and she kisses him. Regine begins moonlighting as a wedding coordinator. Her first clients are a spooky couple with bizarre supernatural...
Ep 9: School's Out Forever
Kyle and Overton return to Cleveland for a reunion at their high school, which is about to be demolished due to asbestos. Kyle has a run-in with Lester Tate, the bully who tormented him throughout his youth, and finally stands up to the man. He points out that many of Lester's victims are successful, while he is a loser. When Lester reveals that he is homeless, everyone turns against Kyle. Kyle tries to apologize to Lester, but catches him stealing shoes from kids' lockers. Lester taunts and...
Ep 10: Do You Take This Man's Wallet?
After learning that Palo Alto has been cancelled, Regine is cheered by a visit from a now-wealthy Darryl, who asks her to coordinate his wedding. Although his fiancée, Tina, all but admits that she is only after Darryl's money, Regine doesn't take any action. However, she realizes she must tell Darryl the truth after Synclaire catches Tina making out with the best man. Darryl believes that Regine is jealous, but soon re-considers and calls off the wedding. Tina blames Regine, and the two...
Ep 11: Virgin Territory
Max is stunned to learn that her boyfriend, Gary, is a virgin. She has serious doubts as to whether she should deflower him, but eventually goes through with it. She is saddened when Gary heeds her advice and decides not to crowd her, but maintains her bravado in front of her friends. Kyle sees through her act and realizes that she is hurt, and she confesses that she can no longer simply chew men up and spit them out. Kyle takes her to dinner to talk things over. Khadijah, following Regine's...
Ep 12: Riot On The Set
Synclaire lucks into a starring role in a play when the star drops out a day before the opening. (Synclaire had memorized all the lines while serving as an usher as a teenager.) However, the director offers the opinion that Synclaire stinks, and is certain that the play will end both of their careers. A jittery Synclaire flubs her lines and strikes one of the other actors in the face with a door. When the audience responds favorably, Synclaire begins ad-libbing and turns the play into a...
Ep 13: Doctor In The House
Charles is the recipient of an award, but is reluctant to attend the ceremony, as he considers everyone in that social circle to be snobs. After the guests treat Khadijah rudely, Charles tells them what they can do with their award. Khadijah fears for Charles's career and asks his kindly boss to smooth things over. Charles is angry with Khadijah for speaking for him, and they realize that they are both incredibly stubborn. Regine goes to the party as Russell's date and uses his connections to...
Ep 14: Mother Inferior
When her friends will not include her in their Saturday night plans, Regine takes her mother out to dinner. Laverne hits it off with the handsome man who picks up her napkin, who turns out to be millionaire Harrison Cushmore. Regine grows tired of seeing her mother in the society pages, and predicts that she will quickly be dumped. She turns out to be right, and is reluctant to console her mother until Khadijah points out how selfish her behavior is. As it turns out, Laverne is fine; she...
Ep 15: Clown That Roared, The
Synclaire lands a job as a clown sidekick on a popular television show, thanks to Kyle's business ties to the producer. She is appalled to discover that her new boss is a 12-year-old tyrant, and tries to teach him some respect. This leads to an embarrassing on-air tirade against the boy. In the meantime, Overton continues to battle his clown phobia, with limited success. Khadijah accuses Regine of stealing her grandma's recipe for raisin cookies to win a baking contest, and each shares her...
Ep 16: Back In The Day
As Khadijah prepares to accept an award for her work at Flavor, the group recalls a time when Flavor was just a dream; Max lived with Khadijah and Regine (until she and Regine tried to kill each other); and Regine dated Kyle and his Afro. They later reminisce about Synclaire's arrival from Minnesota (along with Crispus Attucks, her seven-foot high troll doll); and her first meeting with Overton, who immediately told Kyle that he had just met the mother of his children. Synclaire is shocked to...
Ep 17: Oh, Solo Mio
Kyle is appointed the church's new choir director. He gives in to Regine's pleading and awards her the solo in the performance honoring the church's 50th anniversary. When he discovers that she can't sing a note, Kyle decides to save Regine from public humiliation and give the solo to the talented Latrice. After a distraught Regine throws a fit and continually disrupts rehearsal, Latrice returns the solo. Overton and Synclaire force Regine to face the truth about her singing, and she...
Ep 18: Playing House
Kyle and Max lie about out-of-town trips and sneak off to a hotel for the weekend. They insist, however, that they are not getting back together. Although their claim that there will be no romance involved in the weekend is obviously a crock, Kyle and Max eventually get into one too many arguments and head their separate ways--but not before setting up another rendezvous. After realizing that Max's and Kyle's alibis are shaky, Regine becomes determined to prove that they are together. It is...
Ep 19: Swing Out Sisters
After realizing that their busy schedules have caused them to miss out on important events in each other's lives, the girls decide to go out together on Saturday night. They are immediately hit on at the cafe, and the owner ejects Max for heckling a stand-up act. Regine leads them to a gay bar, where they are surprised to find Russell tending bar (he loves the tips). Khadijah beats a fierce drag queen named Hank at arcade basketball (by cheating); Max is mistaken for a man; Synclaire helps a...
Ep 20: Moonlight Savings Time
Kyle and Max's attempts to sneak around are complicated when Overton takes a second job as a handyman in her building. She is evicted after he inadvertently exposes her illegal satellite dish to the landlord. She lays the blame on Overton, and storms out. Overton orders Kyle to come out of the bedroom to discuss the situation, but Kyle doesn't feel much like defending Max. Khadijah shows Max the error of her ways and convinces her to apologize. Overton hatches a scheme to trick the landlord...
Ep 21: Living Single Undercover
Max enlists Khadijah's help in exposing an embezzlement scheme at City Hall. Ty Richardson, Flavor's cocky new reporter, demands the story, but is arrested in a barroom brawl. With the deadline approaching, Khadijah and Max decide to handle things themselves. They break into the office of a woman who had taken a suspicious vacation, and discover that she has created phony computer records. Ty shows up at the office with a completed story, and explains that his arrest was staged so that he...
Ep 22: One Degree Of Separation
Overton and Synclaire's engagement party is marred when her bickering parents announce that they have separated. When Synclaire begins to express doubts about her own union, Overton forces the Jameses to talk things out. Lilah reveals that she has tired of her husband's constant wisecracks. She has not revealed her desire to become a lounge singer because she fears Clinton's ridicule. He agrees to support her dream, and they realize that their problems are manageable. Regine tries to use the...
Ep 23: Too Good To Screw
Kyle learns that his visiting brother Damon is about to undertake a long voyage to Africa. He is incensed when Damon remarks that he also might be interested in becoming a handyman. He simultaneously offends both Damon and Overton, who strips him of best man duties. Damon points out that Kyle spends too much time working to enjoy life. After being teased about Max, Kyle agrees to stay out of Damon's business. He apologizes to Overton, and makes it up to him by flying in both his old shop...
Ep 24: Papa Was A Rolling Stone
Khadijah is annoyed when her estranged father comes to town for Synclaire's wedding. She has dinner with her parents for Mother's Day, but is hardly cordial. When she learns that Laverne saw her parents take off in a limo to Atlantic City, Khadijah chases after them. Rita assures her that she and Ed are only attending a Smokey Robinson concert. Ed tracks down Khadijah at the slot machines, and admits that he has made many mistakes in their relationship. However, it is important that Khadijah...
Ep 1: Never Can Say Goodbye
As the girls reminisce in Synclaire's room the night before the wedding, a drunken Regine laments the fact that she hasn't been able to find a man. After Regine staggers off to bed, Max announces her intention to go buy some beer; but Khadijah and Synclaire are well aware of what she really wants. A defensive Max refuses to admit that her relationship with Kyle is serious. She meets him on the fire escape, where he shares the news that he has been offered the chance to head up a new office in...
Ep 2: Love Don't Live Here Anymore, Pt.1
Kyle purchases a one-way ticket for Max in the hopes of persuading her to move to London with him. Max is furious that Kyle will not stay in New York for her, and accuses him of attempting to turn her into a housewife. Overcome with frustration, she trashes her friends' apartment; but later receives counsel from Khadijah and a surprisingly sympathetic Regine. Khadijah rejects Regine's snooty roommate candidate; then recruits Tripp Williams, an aspiring songwriter who has just been booted from...
Ep 3: Love Don't Live/Anymore, Pt.2
Overton and Synclaire begin bickering about their predicament. They realize that much of their fear is the result of their anxiety about marriage, and vow to work together to overcome their doubts. A helicopter finally rescues the couple. The cruise director tries to force them to foot the bill, but Synclaire tells her off. Tripp quickly wins the affection of Khadijah and Max, but can't seem to do right by Regine. She attempts to break up his football-viewing party, but changes her tune when...
Ep 4: High Anxiety
The Phoenix Suns come to town, and Max convinces Khadijah to visit the team's locker room and ask out Cedric Ceballos, with whom she has often flirted during interviews. Khadijah becomes so nervous over the date that she gets a splitting headache. Max tries to get her some aspirin, but accidentally gives her four herbal tranquilizers. (Regine had a supply so that she could give half a tablet to nervous brides.) Khadijah goes completely loopy at the restaurant, and refuses Max and Regine's...
Ep 5: Reconcilable Differences
Synclaire begins spending most of her evenings at rehearsals, leaving Overton feeling neglected. After she blows off the romantic dinner he had prepared, he goes out to a gambling club with Russell and Tripp. When Overton loses the money the couple had set aside for a new bed, a furious Synclaire forces him to sleep on the couch. Khadijah forces her to realize that she had been too hard on Overton, so Synclaire apologizes and skips a rehearsal to spend time with her husband. Overton surprises...
Ep 6: Best Laid Plans, The
Max plans on making a play for her old law school professor and mentor, Clayton Simmons, who is in town to give a lecture. She organizes a law discussion party at the girls' apartment. Khadijah confesses to Synclaire that she once spent the night with Clayton, but can't bring herself to tell Max. At the party, Clayton acts as though he doesn't remember Khadijah. An offended Khadijah takes him into the kitchen. He explains that he does remember her, but didn't say anything in case she hadn't...
Ep 7: Up the Ladder Through the Roof
After Overton and Synclaire bring a pile of classic '60s records home from a garage sale, everyone (including Russell) annoys Khadijah by playing loud music and dancing while she is trying to work. She retreats into the hallway and falls asleep on the stairs. She dreams that she is Flo, a member of a pop group called the Flavorettes. The other members are Maxy (Max), the brassy lead singer and founder; Cynthia (Synclaire) a militant woman with ties to the Black Panthers; and Regina (Regine) a...
Ep 8: He's The One
Regine interviews for a job coordinating a charity event for handsome entrepreneur Dexter Knight. She is stunned to find herself dropping all pretenses and being completely honest with Dexter. Regine believes that she may be hearing wedding bells soon, but comes down to earth when she realizes she can't make the budget for the party. She is forced to cut corners to pull off the event. Khadijah and Max go to the party, using passes from the public defender's office. Several old men hit on...
Ep 9: Three Men and a Buckeye
Overton receives tickets to the Ohio State-Michigan football game, as his uncle Smoke Eye's son is the Buckeyes' quarterback. Synclaire refuses to go, and Khadijah is unable to come along because Regine needs her to help break the news to her mother that she is moving in with Dexter. Overton decides to take Tripp. When Regine rejects Russell's desperate marriage proposal, he asks to come along to take his mind off his troubles. He drives the guys in a run-down van. They pick up a beautiful...
Ep 10: Forgive Us Our Trespasses
Max is burying herself in her work. She encourages her clients to plea bargain, so that she can get through as many cases as possible. Walter Jackson, a man accused of trespassing at a hospital, thwarts her plans by insisting on going to trial. He believes that he is the Son of God, and says he was only trying to comfort the sick. Khadijah researches Walter's background and learns that he is a former corporate raider who became disgusted by his work. Max is disturbed when Walter asserts that...
Ep 11: Misleading Lady
Synclaire auditions for a role in a prominent comedy troupe, whose alumni include Whoopi Goldberg and a guy from Good Times. Although her audition is extremely impressive, she learns that all the spots for women have been filled. Synclaire disguises herself as a man and assumes the role of James "Jimmy" Overton. She wins the part and (thanks to coaching from Overton) consistently fools the cast and crew. However, Overton is distressed by the fact that the couple cannot show affection in...
Ep 12: In Your Dreams
Khadijah dreams of kissing Scooter in a hot tub. Max forces her to join her at a New Age retreat, where she hopes to find the purpose of her existence. Synclaire tags along. Khadijah is bewildered when the hot tub at the facility resembles the one in her dream, and is shocked to find Scooter at the retreat. When she tells him about her dream, he becomes distant. He later joins her in the hot tub and explains that his girlfriend dumped him because his heart wasn't in the relationship. He is...
Ep 13: To Catch A Thief
Synclaire's embittered colleague Marco steals her act and uses it in his one-man show. Synclaire is furious, but agrees to back off after learning that he needs money to pay his child support. Phil, the head of the Gotham Players, informs Synclaire that Marco has no children; and collects substantial alimony payments from his ex-wife, Joyce DeWitt of TV's Three's Company. Synclaire and Overton bring Joyce to one of Marco's performances, where she rips up their alimony agreement because he...
Ep 27: Let's Stay Together
Overton notices that Max received her sperm from the same bank where Kyle once made a deposit following a brush with death. Khadijah and Synclaire are astonished to discover that the profile of Max's donor matches Kyle perfectly. Overton checks Kyle's records and confirms the match. Max announces that she will not tell Kyle about the baby. Overton decides to throw together an impromptu New Year's Eve party and invite Kyle, who is spending the holidays with family in Cleveland. Max tells Kyle...