Coby Bell requested that Jason Pitts stay ''silly'' when The Game went from sitcom to drama

CBS Television Distribution

The Game began its journey as a sitcom that follows the lives of a young couple, Melanie and Derwin, who were navigating a new life in San Deigo.

Derwin, a wide receiver, was drafted to the Sabers. Melanie wanted to be a supportive significant other, so she gave up admission to one of the nation's top medical schools to follow her boyfriend. Other main characters included the Sabers' quarterback, Malik Wright, his mom/agent, Tasha Mack, veteran wide receiver Jason Pitts, and his wife, Kelly. The plots were dramatic but hilarious, with laugh tracks in many scenes.

However, it was no "laughing" matter when the show got canceled. Fans were upset and didn't understand why its network wanted to end the show. That's when BET came along and scooped up the show, but they changed it...a lot. The Game was no longer a sitcom, scenes were shot in dramatic formats (color grading was darker, laugh tracks were gone, heavier plot topics, etc...).

Although it wasn't what fans expected, one part of the series stayed the same, something that fans loved. Jason Pitts was still a penny-pinching millionaire.

"The show has been evolving since Day 1, really. It started out as a total sitcom, and then the second season we lost the studio audience, started doing a lot more single-camera stuff," Bell said during an interview with The Root. "Then we went away for a couple years. And we came back on BET and took the opportunity to just make it full-on single camera. Yeah, they are going heavier on the drama. But they've kept my guy silly. I've appreciated that, and I actually requested it. I love doing the comedy."

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