Was Andell Wilkerson a bad friend? Or was she just too real?

CBS Television Distribution

Wouldn't you want a friend that keeps it real with you? That's all people on social media talk about these days. A "real" friend is not your "yes man." They tell you the truth whether you want to hear it or not, but they're also someone you can lean on when you decide to make your own decision.

Played by Yvette Wilson, Andell Wilkerson was a businesswoman, first and foremost, but she was also the family friend of the Mitchells. She owned "The Den," the hangout spot for Moesha and her friends. There, she heard all of the teenage gossip (and Moesha's family business) and advised whether she was asked.

Not only does she stay honest with Moesha and her friends, but when the character moves over to The Parkers, viewers get to see her battle with Nikki Parker and her delusional thoughts.

For example, EVERYONE knew that the Professor wasn't Nikki's man. Kim, her friends, and even the Professor himself would tell her that she's crazy. However, no one said it the way Andell would. The character was so tired of Nikki's antics that when Nikki joined a dating show to compete for the Professor, Andell called the show to vote Nikki off!

We know what you're thinking: "That doesn't sound like a friend." Hear us out. Although she got annoyed by Nikki's desire for a false relationship, Andell often joined Nikki on her adventures to break up the Professor's real relationships.

During the last season, when the Professor finally realized he loved Nikki, Andell locked him in a closet to prevent him from crashing Nikki's wedding (he got out anyway, though.)

So, when you watch Moesha and The Parkers and see and hear the sly things Andell says, just know that under all that, she was a good friend overall.

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