Episode Recap: The Sister, Sister episode ''Popular Mechanic''

CBS Television Distribution

"The bottom line is you're not going out with him."

Parents always want the best for their children, so when the topic of dating arises, it won't be an easy discussion. In the Sister, Sister episode "Popular Mechanic," Tyreke finally asks Tia out on a date after weeks of flirting at her job. Meanwhile, Ray has been boasting about the "kid" at his shop who's turning his life around; he refers to him as Scotty.

As Tia prepares for her date upstairs, Ray answers the door, and Tyreke appears with flowers in his hands. He initially thought he had the wrong address until he said, "I'm looking for Tia Landry," and Ray confirmed he was in the right place. Ray thought Tyreke was delivering flowers for Tia's date. In his words, they must've been from "some knucklehead boy trying to impress her."

That's when Ray connected the dots and realized Tyreke was Tia's date. His face instantly disapproved. It wasn't until the girls (Tamera, Lisa, and Tia) came downstairs that they realized Scotty, the boy Ray was praising, was Tyreke. Tyreke's last name is Scott.

Ray starts acting weird and forbids Tia from going on a date, to which she reminds him that he's not her father. Tamera's dad then reveals that Tyreke has a record, and they all begin to judge the boy slightly.

Yet, none of them are aware of why Tyreke was in jail. He explains to Tia that he went for a ride with his older brother, who let him drive. However, when they got pulled over, he found out that his brother had stolen the car. The police told him he'd be released if he “told on” his brother. Yet, to hold his "street cred," he declined and took the blame.

In the end, Tia sneaks out and has a small date with Tyreke, who becomes her boyfriend in the series.

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