TC Carson voiced a lot of characters in this legendary film and television franchise

Kyle Barker, on Living Single, had the confidence of a Greek God. No one but Maxine "Max" Shaw could attempt to dim his light, and she could only do it because he had a soft spot for the Attorney at Law.
Played by TC Carson, the character often went on dates with beautiful women and had a career many dreamed of. He shared an apartment with Overton Jones, his handyman best friend, and together, they bothered the women who lived downstairs—Khadijah James, her cousin Synclaire, and childhood friend Regine Hunter. Max lived across the street, but you'd think she lived with her friends the way she ate lunch, breakfast, and dinner at their apartment.
TC Carson's character and Shaw had a love-hate friendship that eventually boiled over into a steamy yet low-key relationship. However, Carson left the series over a disagreement with Living Single's new writers, and his role was demoted from main to guest star appearances. Barker received an offer to work in London, which he accepted, and that was mostly the end of his story until Max got pregnant with his child.
Although he was no longer one of the stars of Living Single, Carson's financial situation wasn't affected. This was due to his work in the Star Wars franchise, where he voiced Mace Windu in many shows and video games, ensuring a steady income even after his departure from the show.
It started with Star Wars: Clone Wars in 2005. In four episodes, Carson voiced Windu and characters named Saesee Tin and General Oro Dassyne. In 2008, he voiced Windu and more in 45 additional episodes, eventually moving to voice the character in Star Wars video games. Carson's voiceover work was not limited to the Clone Wars series, as he also voiced roles for some Star Trek video games.
Many of us will always know him as "Kyle Barker, baby," a character that remains etched in our memories. However, the actor had other roles that deserved recognition, too.
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