Are you more like Kim Parker or Moesha?

CBS Television Distribution
Best friends are usually a duo that share similar traits but, overall, are different. One may be the party girl who doesn't care about school because she wants to be young, dumb, and have fun. The other may be a fake goody-two-shoes who gets good grades and is very judgmental.
Yes, we're describing Kim Parker and Moesha Mitchell, two characters from the popular TV shows The Parkers and Moesha. Kim, the daughter of a single mother, was the fashionable, loud-mouthed teen, while Moesha, raised in a middle-class family, couldn't stop sticking her nose in everyone else's business. The two grew up together and were close until they went to different colleges.
Let's see which character you're more like.
How do you feel about fashion?
What line sounds like something you'd say?
What's the lowest grade you've ever received?
What occupation is right up your alley?
Who do you like more?
Would you like overprotective parents or parents that give you space?
What hairstyle suits you the most?
What are your thoughts on getting married to an aspiring music producer?
Are you more like Kim Parker or Moesha?
Your Result...
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