Dabl Schedule - Columbus, OH

6:00a ET

Half & Half

The Big Butting in Episode

Hoping to prove herself to her father, Dee Dee goes against his wishes and tries to personally handle a tenant who has failed to pay rent for the last few months. She must come up with a new plan of attack after the man retaliates by threatening to expose several building code violations involving Dee Dee's apartment. 

6:30a ET

Half & Half

The Big Foot in My Mouth Episode

After another failed relationship, Mona decides to focus on her career for a while. She is determined to help Zora, a promising young singer, secure a contract with the record company. Zora mistakes Mona's efforts to boost her confidence for romantic interest and develops feelings for her. She confesses her crush to Adam, who keeps the news to himself so that he can watch the sparks fly. 

7:00a ET

The Jamie Foxx Show

The Young and the Meatless

Jamie has a beef with his conscience when he's offered a job as spokesperson for a hamburger joint right after agreeing to become a vegetarian, in order to impress Fancy. 

7:30a ET

The Jamie Foxx Show

Step Up to Get Beat Down

A chance to sing on a local radio show nets Jamie a contract with record mogul Sweet and Low, but when the deal comes up a little short he tries to raise the stakes -- a move that leads to several "accidents" at the hotel. Eventually, Jamie annuls the contract by threatening to reveal some embarrassing information about the producer. 

8:00a ET

Wild Times at the San Diego Zoo

Show 107


8:30a ET

Wild Stories at the San Diego Zoo

Show 107


9:00a ET

Animal Rescue

Show 2021

9:30a ET

Dog Tales

Show 1021

10:00a ET

Biz Kids: Young Entrepreneurs

Show 116

Budgeting Basics The Biz Kid$ learn the first rule of money management: you can’t manage what you don’t know. Join the kids and you’ll look at spending and expenses and examine several proven methods on how to gain control of both. Meet a demolition car racer who budgets for each crash, and a hip hop music producer who uses budgeting skills to keep his projects on track. 

10:30a ET

Missing: Open Files

Show 267

11:00a ET

The Game

Catflight on the Catwalk

Melanie at the Sunbeam Fashion Show; Derwin's wardrobe issues; Jason acts as a diva; Malik hits on the female models. 

11:30a ET

The Game

A Punch in the Gut… Full of Human

Jason's relationship with Chardonnay is tested by a third party, while Melanie and Derwin get bad news. Also, Chardonnay confides in Tasha. 

12:00p ET

Sister, Sister

Out Alone

Tia and Tamera go to a movie and get lost on the bus ride home. Lisa convinces Ray to take "Little Ray" to the vet but Ray doesn't want to pay for the bill. Will Lisa be able to come up with the cash? 

12:30p ET

Sister, Sister

The Pimple

When Tia's anxieties about a prominent pimple "come to a head," so to speak, she asks Tamera to go out on a date in her place. 

1:00p ET

Everybody Hates Chris

Everybody Hates the Port Authority

Chris and his family decide to take a trip down South to attend the funeral of Julius' distant relative. 

1:30p ET

Everybody Hates Chris

Everybody Hates Bad Boys

When Chris discovers that his long-standing crush, Tasha, likes "bad boys", he decides it's time to lose his "nice guy" image and win over the girl of his dreams. 

2:00p ET

Are We There Yet?

The Take Your Kids to Work Day Episode

When Lindsey accompanies Suzanne to work, she uncovers a secret from her mother's past, leading to a misunderstanding. Meanwhile, Kevin gets primed for a school dance. 

2:30p ET

Are We There Yet?

The Fall of Troy Episode

When Troy provokes a school bully, Kevin strikes up a friendship with his tormentor to avoid a beat down. But Kevin is soon faced with a difficult decision, whether to follow the bully's commands, or stand up for himself once and for all. 

3:00p ET

One on One

Take This Job and Love It

Breanna takes a job at a burger joint, but her ideas to improve the working environment don't sit well with her boss. Elsewhere, Flex lets Walt cut his hair while Malik is out of town, then goes to great lengths to hide the fact. Meanwhile Duane and Candy go on a date. 

3:30p ET

One on One

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

While his father's away, Flex assumes control of the barbershop, but his tenure turns rocky when a hair salon opens nearby. Meanwhile, Breanna loses track of Spirit and her other friends after she begins hanging out exclusively with Josh. 

4:00p ET


Fired Up

In her new job, Moesha manages to set up an interview with Dr. Maya Angelou and convinces Niecy to be her secretary. Dr. Angelou gives Moesha some advice on going back to college. Later Joe discovers Moesha's deception. 

4:30p ET


The Party's Over (Here)

While trying to keep up with the social life of college as well as the academic life, Moesha and Niecy are invited to their first college party. After discovering that the punch is spiked the hard way, Moesha's faced with having to call Frank to pick her up. But Dorian comes to the girls' rescue by secretly taking Frank's car. Meanwhile, Myles, influenced by Dorian to change his image, dyes his hair and wears baggy garment to impress his classmates during his first week of junior high. 

5:00p ET

The Parkers

In Sickness and in Health

When Professor Oglevee gets surgery, Nikki goes to the hospital to be with him. 

5:30p ET

The Parkers

Et Tu Andell?

When Andell takes dance lessons from Mel, their relationship turns romantic, which threatens her relationship with Nikki. 

6:00p ET

Half & Half

The Big Butting in Episode

Hoping to prove herself to her father, Dee Dee goes against his wishes and tries to personally handle a tenant who has failed to pay rent for the last few months. She must come up with a new plan of attack after the man retaliates by threatening to expose several building code violations involving Dee Dee's apartment. 

6:30p ET

Half & Half

The Big Foot in My Mouth Episode

After another failed relationship, Mona decides to focus on her career for a while. She is determined to help Zora, a promising young singer, secure a contract with the record company. Zora mistakes Mona's efforts to boost her confidence for romantic interest and develops feelings for her. She confesses her crush to Adam, who keeps the news to himself so that he can watch the sparks fly. 

7:00p ET

The Jamie Foxx Show

The Young and the Meatless

Jamie has a beef with his conscience when he's offered a job as spokesperson for a hamburger joint right after agreeing to become a vegetarian, in order to impress Fancy. 

7:30p ET

The Jamie Foxx Show

Step Up to Get Beat Down

A chance to sing on a local radio show nets Jamie a contract with record mogul Sweet and Low, but when the deal comes up a little short he tries to raise the stakes -- a move that leads to several "accidents" at the hotel. Eventually, Jamie annuls the contract by threatening to reveal some embarrassing information about the producer. 

8:00p ET

Living Single

Engagement, The, Pt. 2

The police bring a shivering Overton to the apartment. The horse subdued the mugger, but bucked Overton into the bushes. He still does not tell Synclaire about the ring. Overton later picks the mugger out of the lineup. Synclaire breaks down the door and tries to attack the man. Overton's belongings are returned to him and (after an interruption from Khadijah) he proposes to Synclaire at the police station. She immediately accepts. As she has no chance of winning in court, Khadijah agrees to a settlement with the band, which will force Flavor to go bankrupt. Russell saves the day when he bursts in and announces that he has deconstructed the song in question. He gradually strips away parts of the song, and reveals that it actually was a rip-off of "Mandy." Max's campaign appears to be back on track when Kyle uncovers evidence that proves the incumbent is corrupt, but the documents are shredded. Max instead admits the allegations against her are true, but claims that they prove she has the passion to fulfill... 

8:30p ET

Living Single

Ride The Maverick

Khadijah re-considers Flavor's endorsement of Max when she insists on spouting clichés, rather than discussing the issues. She instead backs a little-known high school teacher named William Perez. Max claims that Khadijah is jealous and does not want her friends to outshine her. Max runs into Perez at a public park (where he is cleaning up graffiti with his civics class), and realizes that her reasons for seeking office are entirely selfish. She withdraws from the election, and tells everyone to vote for Perez. The voters are so moved by her honesty that she receives enough write-in votes to win. Max apologizes to Khadijah, who is impressed by her integrity. Their parents disown Overton and Synclaire when Kyle and Regine accidentally share news of the engagement before the couple had gotten around to it. (They had been trying to follow a James family tradition, in which no one can get married until Synclaire's great aunt Ada gives her "okel doke.") They patch things up, but their parents begin bickering... 

9:00p ET


...With a Twist

Following Darnell's drunken love declaration, Maya enlists the help of Joan and William as she plans to break up his wedding. However, she soon has second thoughts. Joan tries to talk some sense into Darnell in the bathroom. Meanwhile, Toni gives birth to a baby girl before she is able to get in touch with Todd or the girls. Following the surprisingly easy delivery, Toni begins to wonder whether she really needs Todd in her life. Unable to hold back her feelings any longer, Lynn lashes out at Finn and quits the band. 

9:30p ET


Fits and Starts (Part 1)

Following their reunion at his wedding, Maya and Darnell remarry in Las Vegas. However, they soon begin to bicker over their living arrangements. Todd refuses Toni's request for a divorce, insisting that they must stay together for Morgan. Lynn gets engaged to a lesbian after stopping her from committing suicide. William is very excited about Lynn being a lesbian, while Toni and Joan are nonplussed. Lynn soon discovers that her fiancée is extremely dysfunctional and demanding. Joan and William spend the night together, but discover that they are not physically compatible. 

10:00p ET


Odds and Ends (Part 2)

Maya and Darnell continue to bicker. They ultimately decide to stay married, but date each other so that they can make a fresh start. Toni and Todd re-consider their divorce, but eventually realize that it is the best thing for all parties. Lynn tells Joan that she is not a lesbian; she only got engaged to Jennifer to stop her from killing herself. However, Lynn has a difficult time breaking off the relationship because of Jennifer's delicate mental state. Joan is angry with William for divulging details of their failed night together with Lynn. The two wind up commiserating about their romantic problems. 

10:30p ET


And The Nanny Makes Three

Toni wants to hire a nanny to help care for Morgan, but Todd convinces her that they should wait until after they have bonded with their daughter. Toni has great difficulty adjusting to motherhood, but pushes Todd away when he tries to help her. Todd grows very frustrated at Toni's irresponsible behavior, particularly when she accidentally locks Morgan in the apartment. After Toni fails to show for Morgan's first doctor's appointment (instead sending her with a nanny), Todd fears that she doesn't care for the child and decides to take action. Meanwhile, Joan becomes fed up with Maya and Lynn, who constantly eat at the badly struggling J-Spot without ever offering to pay for their meals. 

11:00p ET

The Game

Catflight on the Catwalk

Melanie at the Sunbeam Fashion Show; Derwin's wardrobe issues; Jason acts as a diva; Malik hits on the female models. 

11:30p ET

The Game

A Punch in the Gut… Full of Human

Jason's relationship with Chardonnay is tested by a third party, while Melanie and Derwin get bad news. Also, Chardonnay confides in Tasha. 

12:00a ET

Sister, Sister

Out Alone

Tia and Tamera go to a movie and get lost on the bus ride home. Lisa convinces Ray to take "Little Ray" to the vet but Ray doesn't want to pay for the bill. Will Lisa be able to come up with the cash? 

12:30a ET

Sister, Sister

The Pimple

When Tia's anxieties about a prominent pimple "come to a head," so to speak, she asks Tamera to go out on a date in her place. 

1:00a ET

Everybody Hates Chris

Everybody Hates the Port Authority

Chris and his family decide to take a trip down South to attend the funeral of Julius' distant relative. 

1:30a ET

Everybody Hates Chris

Everybody Hates Bad Boys

When Chris discovers that his long-standing crush, Tasha, likes "bad boys", he decides it's time to lose his "nice guy" image and win over the girl of his dreams. 

2:00a ET

Are We There Yet?

The Take Your Kids to Work Day Episode

When Lindsey accompanies Suzanne to work, she uncovers a secret from her mother's past, leading to a misunderstanding. Meanwhile, Kevin gets primed for a school dance. 

2:30a ET

Are We There Yet?

The Fall of Troy Episode

When Troy provokes a school bully, Kevin strikes up a friendship with his tormentor to avoid a beat down. But Kevin is soon faced with a difficult decision, whether to follow the bully's commands, or stand up for himself once and for all. 

3:00a ET

One on One

Take This Job and Love It

Breanna takes a job at a burger joint, but her ideas to improve the working environment don't sit well with her boss. Elsewhere, Flex lets Walt cut his hair while Malik is out of town, then goes to great lengths to hide the fact. Meanwhile Duane and Candy go on a date. 

3:30a ET

One on One

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

While his father's away, Flex assumes control of the barbershop, but his tenure turns rocky when a hair salon opens nearby. Meanwhile, Breanna loses track of Spirit and her other friends after she begins hanging out exclusively with Josh. 

4:00a ET


Fired Up

In her new job, Moesha manages to set up an interview with Dr. Maya Angelou and convinces Niecy to be her secretary. Dr. Angelou gives Moesha some advice on going back to college. Later Joe discovers Moesha's deception. 

4:30a ET


The Party's Over (Here)

While trying to keep up with the social life of college as well as the academic life, Moesha and Niecy are invited to their first college party. After discovering that the punch is spiked the hard way, Moesha's faced with having to call Frank to pick her up. But Dorian comes to the girls' rescue by secretly taking Frank's car. Meanwhile, Myles, influenced by Dorian to change his image, dyes his hair and wears baggy garment to impress his classmates during his first week of junior high. 

5:00a ET

The Parkers

In Sickness and in Health

When Professor Oglevee gets surgery, Nikki goes to the hospital to be with him. 

5:30a ET

The Parkers

Et Tu Andell?

When Andell takes dance lessons from Mel, their relationship turns romantic, which threatens her relationship with Nikki. 

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